Thursday, February 15, 2007

Okemo Here I Come!

By GERALD BARAZA in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

I respect Hon.Chrisanthus Okemo very much. I appreciate his personal,local and national achievements. I admire him for his vision, tenacity and courage to face challenges both on the local and national level. It is my prayer that the Lord’s will may be done in the 2007 elections. On the other hand, I wish to use this forum to announce that, God-willing, I plan to vie for the Nambale seat in 2012. This is a summary of my vision for the Nambale constituency as from 2012:

Three Key Ideas:
1. The Principle of subsidiarity: Tasks that can be efficiently accomplished by private individuals or small groups should not be usurped by higher bodies, least of all by an all-powerful government.
2 The Principle of solidarity: Individual members of society must always seek ways to promote the common good in their private decisions and actions.
3. The Principle of Common Good: Not the greatest good for the greatest number, but a social or juridical order that enables each member of the society to seek his or her fullest development in all aspects of life.

The How of these Principles: How will they be implemented?
1. The Nambale University: This University is going to create a proper and valuable empowering and investment opportunity for the growth and survival of the local people.
2. The Nambale Global Network: This body will be composed of elected people from the local community and friends from the developed world. Its duty will be to foster cooperation with the global individuals and bodies in enhancing the fulfillment of the Organization’s objectives with special emphasis on assisting the people of Nambale to achieve expected and respected strength in education, health, and socio-economics.
3. The Nambale Elders’ Council: This body will be composed of an elected elder from every sub-location. The elders will collect the views and needs of the local people and present them to the area M.P. The area M.P will meet with this body once every month to discuss their views and needs with the aim of finding solutions to the Positive results will be emphasized.

I have the will, the ability and the opportunity to accomplish all these things with your assistance. Thank you.

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